• Constitution of ARCCNM

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    Constitution of ARCCNM


    The name of the Council shall be the “Asian Regional Cooperative Council for Nuclear Medicine” hereinafter referred to as ARCCNM.


    The objectives of the ARCCNM are:

    1. To foster regional cooperation in promoting Nuclear Medicine in Asian countries, particularly in developing and less developed countries.

    2. To establish liaisons with national societies of Nuclear Medicine of the ARCCNM Member States and international organizations devoted to the promotion of clinical applications, research & development in Nuclear Medicine.

    3. To enhance regional scientific activities through conferences, seminars and educational courses.

    4. To coordinate training programmes for Nuclear Medicine professionals in Member States.

    5. To encourage research collaboration in Nuclear Medicine among Member States.


    Section 1. National Delegates. One delegate shall represent each Member State. Such delegate shall generally be a senior person actively engaged in Nuclear Medicine and shall be selected by the national society of the corresponding Member State and who shall have voting rights or shall provide proxies thereof.

    Section 2. Individual Members. There are two categories consisting of:

    2.1. Regular Members: These are physicians and scientists including physicists, radiopharmacists, radiochemists and biologists;

    2.2. Associate Members: These are technologists and trainees.

    Section 3. Industrial Members. These are representatives of equipment and radiopharmaceutical manufacturers after approval by the National Delegate Assembly.

    Section 4. Dues. Individual membership dues shall be levied on Regular & Associate Members with the amount to be determined by the Executive Committee; shall be approved by the National Delegates Assembly and may be adjusted from time-to-time. Industrial membership dues shall be assessed by the Executive Committee and approved by the National Delegates Assembly.


    Section 1. National Delegate Assembly. This Assembly consists of National Delegates and is the highest decision-making body which shall resolve all matters brought up by the Executive Committee for consideration and approval. The National Delegate Assembly shall be held during the Annual General Meeting of the ARCCNM.

    Section 2. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall consist of a Chairman, Secretary General, Treasurer, Dean of Asian School of Nuclear Medicine (ASNM), and three (3) regular members appointed by Chairman. The Executive Committee shall act for, and in behalf of, the ARCCNM and shall implement all policies and decisions taken by the National Delegate Assembly.

    Section 3. The Chairman shall be elected by the National Delegate Assembly for a term of office of three (3) years with re-election. The Chairman will nominate a Secretary-General, Treasurer, and three (3) members of the executive committee, all of whom shall be approved by the National Delegate Assembly.

    Section 4. The Dean of the Asian School of Nuclear Medicine (ASNM) shall be elected by the National Delegate Assembly for a term of office of three (3) years with re-election. The Dean shall nominate the members of the ASNM Academic Senate, all of whom shall be formally designated by the ARCCNM Chair.

    Section 5. The Honorary Chair shall be a senior Nuclear Medicine physician from a Member State who shall be nominated by the Executive Committee and approved by the National Delegate Assembly.

    Section 6. Advisory Committee. The members of the Advisory Committee shall consist of senior Nuclear Medicine professionals nominated by the Executive Committee and approved by the National Delegate Assembly to provide advice on items or matters related to the promotion of Nuclear Medicine in the Asian Region.

    Section 7. Working Groups. There shall be Committees and Task Forces to be established to carry out functions relevant to the efficient operations of the organization and the advancement of Nuclear Medicine in the Region.

    7.1. Committees: These shall be either Standing and Ad-Hoc Committees

    7.1.1. Scientific

    7.1.2. Membership Development

    7.1.3. Finance and Ways & Means

    7.1.4. Research

    7.1.5. Quality Management

    7.2. Task Forces: These shall be on

    7.2.1. Oncology

    7.2.2. Cardiology

    7.2.3. Neurology

    7.2.4. Basic Sciences & Molecular Imaging

    7.2.5. Therapy

    7.2.6. Pediatrics

    Section 8. Voting Rights. The right to vote shall be limited to ordinary members. When deemed necessary, the Chairman shall have a second or a casting vote. Proxy votes may be made in writing by the ordinary members unable to attend the Annual General Meeting, provided that such votes may only relate to the resolutions advertised in the agenda, circulated one month before the meeting. All matters shall be decided by a simple majority of votes, with exceptions to the instance of Constitutional amendments which require a two-thirds majority, or dissolution of the Council, which requires a three quarters majority.


    Section 1. Annual General Meeting. The meeting shall be held in conjunction with a scientific meeting of a national society, during major international or regional congresses on Nuclear Medicine, or independently. Notices of Annual Meetings shall be given at least six (6) months before the date.

    Section 2. Venue. The site of the Annual General Meeting shall be decided upon by the National Delegate Assembly at least six (6) months, preferably one (1) year ahead of time.

    Section 3. Agenda. The agenda for the Annual General Meeting shall be circulated one (1) month before the scheduled date.


    Section 1. This Constitution may be amended by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) majority of National Delegates assembled for the purpose with due notices given.

    Section 2. The organization may be dissolved by a resolution adopted by no less than three-fourths (3/4) of National Delegates assembled for the purpose either physically of through proxy. Notice of such resolution shall be provided at least six (6) months before the scheduled date.